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Learn Sanskrit through self-study
Interactive on-line lessons
  The information provided in this page is a revised version of the text presented at this site when the Learn Sanskrit through Self Study series was started in October 1997. Though at that time the members of Samskritapriyah were very optimistic about completing the series within a few months, several factors resulted in delays that amounted to almost three years. The Multilingual software from IIT Madras was being enhanced to provide additional flexibility in viewing the text on a web page and also get quality printouts. The members felt naturally that giving a complete series was important, even if it meant delays. 

  The encouraging responses which continued to be received had  established the usefulness of the first four lessons but many had wondered if Samskritapriyah had given up on completing the lessons.  Fortunately, the lessons had all been prepared and were only waiting to be displayed in the new format.

  The full set of twelve lessons is now presented along with a lot of reference information and glossaries. An on-line Sanskrit dictionary is also included as well as the full text of  the Bhagavadgita with concordances and word meanings. Off-line reading of the lessons is also provided for to help those who may not have direct access to the Internet. Viewers may download the lessons in an appropriate form. 

  The first of these Lessons was put on the web on Oct.11, 1997, which was Vijayadasami Day, probably the most appropriate day to begin the lessons.  Considering the fact that the series is now complete, the delay of three years may kindly be condoned.

Note on Sound files 

  For the benefit of the students, we have tried to make available sound files which can be heard on systems supporting sound. Typically, this means that you should have a sound card or appropriate sound hardware on your computer. 

  The web browsers are capable of automatically invoking the sound playing programs when you click on the links for sound. It is possible that your web browser is already configured to correctly identify this program and so you should hear the sound when you click on the sound links.

  However, owing to the variety of sound file formats, it is possible that what you hear is not what was intended to be heard! Such problems continue to confront us since very few agree on what we would like to call "people's standards".  Sound files in the Real Audio format are now reasonably standard and most web browsers can invoke the Real player program to play the audio files.  The sound files included here conform to the Real Audio format. Please make sure that your web browser is configured to handle this format.

  The sound files in mp3 format have now been included (April, 2006)

Interactive Quiz

  A few of the lessons include interactive quizzes. This has been possible through the use of PHP, a method used with web servers to create dynamic content with user interaction.

Significance of Vijayadasami 

Vijayadasami Signifies the culmination of nine days of Pujas (offerings) familiar to many as "Navaratri" or "Dussera". In the Southern states, it is customary to start schooling for a child on this day. This practice continues, albeit symbolically, in many families.


Introduction to the Devanagari Script: (Oct.11, 1997)
Revised : Feb. 2001

Lesson 1: (Oct.30, 1997)
Revised: Feb. 2001

Lesson 2: (Nov.14, 1997)
Revised: Feb. 2001

Lesson 3: (Dec.24, 1997)
Revised: Feb. 2001

A very short quiz 
Revised  Mar. 2006

Lesson 4: (Feb.27,1998)
Revised: Feb. 2001

Lesson 5: (Aug. 8, 2001)
First version

Lesson 6: (Aug. 10, 2001)
Revised Mar., 2006

Lesson 7: (Aug. 29, 2001)
(First Version)

Lesson 8: (Aug. 31, 2001)
(First Version)

Lesson 9: (Sep. 30, 2001)
(First Version)

Lesson 10: (Oct.25, 2001)
(Revised Mar.,2006)

Lesson 11: (Oct. 22, 2001)
(First Version)

Lesson 12: (Oct. 22, 2001)
(First Version)

(The first twelve in the originally envisaged set of lessons have now been placed here in these pages. The members of Samskritapriyah express their gratitude to all the readers who sent messages of encouragement. We started the lessons on Vijayadasami Day in 1997. We are fortunate in that we are able to offer the full series on a Vijayadasami Day again (Oct.27, 2001).

The presentation of the lessons has been enhanced through the use of PHP to permit better control of dynamic content generation (March 2006)


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